centered on love Advent week 3
“I wait for the LORD, my soul waits, and in his word, I hope; my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning, more than watchmen for the morning.
O Israel, Hope in the LORD!
for with the LORD there is steadfast love, and with him is plentiful redemption.
And he will redeem Israel from all iniquities.”
Psalm 130:5-8
As far as I remember, every birthday my dad would take us out to breakfast. It was a tradition that became a core element of our birthdays. No matter the day, financial strains, conflicting schedules, or any other conflict our dad would prioritize that moment. Those moments were more than just sharing a breakfast but moments and opportunities to grow in relationship. Looking back, I don’t remember the restaurants we dined in or the food we consumed but I will treasure those conversations and even more the realization of my dad being constant in our lives and making us a priority. It was never about the consistency of breakfast, but the love that was made real at the table.
Hope is the passionate conviction founded in the steadfastness of our God. God will provide. God will show up in the long-suffering and hurt to sit with us. Hope can be quickly reduced down to our circumstances causing us to fixate on the “breakfast” and neglect the larger moment. Don’t get me wrong, Hope is powerful, and I will consistently pin myself, like the Doctor, “A far-flinger of hope.” Hope propels us forward, but step back and see the love in it all. God is steadfast with us because he loves us. He promises to take care of us and bring us through every event, because He wants to. God chooses you over and over again. By choosing you he commits himself to showing up in all circumstances. Every one of those Hopeful moments is a conversation or intimate moment to draw close to our God and know him even more.
David’s Hope and waiting upon the LORD was more about igniting and delving into the steadfast love from God. Yes, God will ALWAYS deliver and come through in those moments. We can Hope in God, but don’t neglect the opportunity to know God’s love even more. Notice in David’s Psalm he calls Israel to Hope in the LORD and then identifies the depth of God’s steadfast love. David waited for God with a deep longing. His longing went beyond deliverance or answers it was driven to know God more. God is steadfast in his love for us and we, who were far off, get to draw near and depend upon the LORD! The Advent Journey is ignited by love. God’s love lavished on us in Christ by coming to us and bring us to his table. Plus, it is our longing being fueled by love and a desire to know our God more!
My father took us to breakfast not because it was our birthday, and it was required. He showed up and took us every year because he loved us and valued that moment - the same reason I continue that tradition with my own children. God shows up not because he is required to or out of guilt. God shows up in Hope because he loves us, and HOPE moves us towards God. May you experience the fullness of God’s love and motivation to redeem us as we wait and as we demonstrate that love towards others.