Beginning of a New Adventure
Turning the last page on an enthralling book can be a multi depth explosion of emotions. There is relief as the narrative concludes, allowing you to take a breath after hanging on page after page. Joy and sadness are often swirled deep within as you part with the characters and the narrative itself. The first thing I often say as I close the book is, “So, what now?!” It felt like eternity that we journeyed together and now I am alone. Yet, whether at that moment or later on, we can be surprised by a new feeling that opens a whole new world; giving us an opportunity to embark on another journey. Closing one book always opens another.
Now, you may scoff and rebuttal, “Opening another book is so much work because I have to reacquaint myself with the characters and find the rhythm for the journey.” I will not argue or even deny that feeling and in every book that I have read I can remember that same experience that slowed my enthusiasm. A journey worth going on will always have moments of hesitation and even a disdain for what is ahead but it will never leave us disappointed. Journeys, whether with a book, in a relationship, or life’s literal adventure, will make a forever impact on our lives.
Hesitation is fueled by fear. We do not have control over the new situation or the new story and at the core, that frightens us. It frightens us because we don't have control and we feel vulnerable. We fear because we do not want to move out of our comfort to ignite and engage with new relationships or experiences. Those fears can be realized or our comfort can be identified but we still hesitate or worse, walk away. While fear can be a useful tool it can be just as or even more deadly. Fear paralyzes its victims to stay in one place. Fear causes chaos, which leads to irrational thinking and knee-jerk reactions. Talking and reasoning through the fear allows the fear to be identified and can create some schema for us to connect, which sparks some familiarity or delivers the right amount of assurance. That, in turn, gives us certainty to open the next book. Be aware of the danger in formalizing or solidifying our talk because it could keep us there; just talking. The only way to overcome fear is to move out in faith. It takes action and a risk to open and begin a journey.
Hope Point, we are about to close the book on a beautiful narrative that has rich tradition and unique details. The book has inspired many and has made, and is making, an ongoing impact in this world. Calvary’s narrative is filled with joyful and celebratory moments while coupled with the sad and painful experiences on the journey. We hold tight and cherish every detail because for the time we have been reading it has made an impact. A couple years ago we began a process of “re-birthing” the church. In an interesting way, we have been writing the epilogue of this narrative. Wrapping up certain story threads, making final comments, but excitedly preparing for the transition for the new book. A new story is beginning!
Like turning the final page of a cherished book and transitioning into a new story we find ourselves at that threshold. We are filled with waves of sadness as we look to the past but we draw strength and are inspired by the joy of looking forward. Remember, this book ends but another is beginning! Look around - the narrative is being penned as we speak. The characters are the same and while there are new adventures we are still moving forward with the same Kingdom Mission. Hope Point encompasses our rich history, the amazing characters, and is driven by the same passion. So, while a new book is beginning there are ongoing components that remain. I remember reading, The Fellowship of the Ring, and as that concluded I knew adventure awaited the moment I opened Two Towers. Our story as a church continues but it begins a new book. Our narrative faces new challenges as we embark on this transition but for every new challenge, we gain new friends and new opportunities of seeing God work.
The story must go on; therefore, it is imperative to identify the hesitation and fear. We must call it out and conquer the fear. To transition strong, it is important to distinguish the known components to create a familiar atmosphere. In doing so, it decreases the fear of all the unknowns. Remember who is writing our story, “Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith.” We are living and engaging in the Gospel story. Every new beginning or new adventure reflects the newness and promise of the Spirit’s presence going with us. Each book that begins is a book sealed with Jesus’ assurance and creative handiwork. Each new adventure is a new opportunity to engage in an even deeper relationship with our King and meet him as he is “Making all things new.” Fear and hesitation are rooted in unknowns and loss of control. Therefore, we must turn to Jesus and allow Him to remind us that in the end, there is no unknown that is not known to Him. If we have been worried that we have lost control then we have been living in a delusion because Jesus has always been the one in control and in that we begin the next book with confidence.
-Philip Long